Visions and Missions


Leading in provide manufacturing technical teachers at the national level with technology and innovation.


Mission 1: Provides integrated education in science, technology, and social sciences to produce teachers, industrial technicians, practitioners to master the technology with integrity, quality, and learn for life.
Strategy 1.1 Create a network for integrated education.
Strategy 1.2 Develop a curriculum to create good practitioners and good people.

Mission 2: Create innovative research based on science, technology, and social sciences to develop education, economy, community, and society
Strategy 2.1 Develop research potential, inventions, innovations, or creative works.
Strategy 2.2 Support research that creates knowledge. transfer technology to developing education in the community economy
and society.
Strategy 2.3 Develop a network for research, invention, and innovation
Strategy 2.4 Develop research support resources.

Mission 3: Academic Service as well as transfer technology integrated into the community and society.
Strategy 3.1 Develop cooperation in academic service to learn and strengthen communities, or private sectors, or governmental agencies

Mission 4: Uphold religion Arts, Culture and Environmental Conservation
Strategy 4.1 Promote the development of morality, ethics, preservation of arts, culture, and environment.

Mission 5: Manage and manage in accordance with good governance principles. According to the philosophy of sufficiency economy
Strategy 5.1 Human resource management, database system, risk management, and change management based on good governance principles.

Mission 6: Assure the quality of education with an international standard system